Wednesday 1 June 2011

Day 4 – Your favorite photograph of your best friend.

I'm so blessed for having such a wonderful friends around me.. and I prefer to call them all SAHABAT ^_^

My loyal companion (as she titled me that) ^^. We talked almost everyday. I've known her since 12 years old. Thanks to Cikgu Jo for letting us sit together in class and finally meet this wonderful friend. She will be a teacher just like me ! ( art teacher) <3

We've known each other since standard 3. (not really remember but it's just like forever. hehe) A very lemah lembut girl. Always smile and smile to me. Sitting together with her throughout secondary school is the best moment. We share stories and secrets together and she also going to be a teacher soon. ( as a counselor ^^) <3

This is my dearest Agak-agak Girl. (the named of our group. Get the name by an accident. lol ). We do almost everything together. Sleep, eat, study and even cry together. This is my family when I far from home. Hope we can be together again. I really miss the moment of togetherness. I miss you guys badly. <3
My beloved IPIN too ^^ 

The first picture is me with my beloved housemates. We've been a housemate since the first semester until now. I'm proud with that ^^. The second picture were taken on my birthday with my lovely  course mates
All of them are my powerpuff girls ^^. They always make my campus life feel so great <3

p/s : I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH ! (big heart) >.< Thank you for being my wonderful friends and accept me for who I am. ^__^


  1. anem lemah lembut? jeles i. hahahaha~

  2. hahahaha... betul la... tapi skrg dh gengster ckit.. thanks to me, for making her like that ~ hoho >o<
